Friday, July 30, 2010

CNAMB Turns One! Or 1?! Or Juan?! Whatever.


It's a celebration! One year ago today, I decided that I needed to curb my internet masturbating, but I just wasn't sure what I could do to keep my hairy hands busy. At first I thought about starting a gang, but I then realized I didn't own any nice wife beaters or bandanas. Then I thought about training to become Mr. Universe, but I'm not really all that into physical activity. Well, outside of the masturbating, naturally, but I was trying to stop that, remember? And then it finally dawned on me, I can start my own movie blog and make the world a better place by sharing my opinion about shit normal people don't care about! So I did, and that blog would just so happen to be this one, the one that kisses you on the places you most like to be kissed.

It seems like it has been much longer than a year since I first started this thing, and so much has changed in my personal life since I first clicked publish. Whether things were up or down in the real world, I have found a nice escape here, talking gibberish about movies, making great new friends, and laughing at the silly internet drama that unfolds every two or three months. CNAMB has grown quite a bit in the time since I started it, way more than I would have ever expected, and knowing that great people such as yourself actually take the time to read my random bologna simply warms my heart. Or that could just be the Goldschläger kicking in.

So here's a toast to one year of bad grammar, terribly tasteless dick and fart jokes, and of course, movies! So thanks again everyone, and since it is Friday Night, it would only be fitting to end this birthday celebration with a dance-splosion of epic proportions!


  1. Congrats, Matt. Tonight I will drink an entire gallon of milk in honor of CNAMB!

  2. Happy Blogiversary!

    I love reading CNAMB and especially enjoy the parts of my body that are kissed when doing so (that's customer satisfaction, my friend!)

    Now, Rock On With Your Bad Self, and here's to many more years of CNAMB and you!

  3. It seems impossible that it's only been a year, Matt! Then again, time has moved so slow since you split from WMass! Anyhow, you were born to be a blogging superstar - keep rocking with CNAMB!

  4. Happy Birthday you talented blogging bastard. Here's to a life full of Chuck Norris baby eating celluloid fandom. ;)

  5. Wow! Only a year? Seems like longer...
    Happy Anniversary!
    And thanks for all the dance parties that lead to hangovers. You're killing me, dude.

  6. Congrats, dude!!!

    I've been able to put not one, but THREE children through college with your "Chuck Norris Ate My Degree" scholarship program.

    CNAMB continues to be one of the best sites on the 'net!
    Keep posting until you're back in diapers, baby!

  7. twinsies! Happy Birthday to the coolest blog EVER. Yeah you heard that right.

  8. Happy birthenstein, dude! Here's to another year of Friday Night Dance Parties and Jason porn! ;o)

  9. Wow I cant believe it's been a year. Congratulations Matt and here's to many more years to come!

  10. Congrats my friend! Mad love.

  11. Congratulations man! Big milestone.

  12. Happy Blogobirthday Matt! Keep up the excellent work!

  13. Congrats and keep being awesome, dude!

  14. Wait--does this mean you're not starting an Internet gang? So that tear tattoo I got on my cheek...bad idea?

    But anyways, happiest of the happy happy blogging birthdays! CNAMB truly has made the world a better place.

  15. where the bloody hell's the cake?

    and beer....

  16. Wow, now that I know that birthdays lead to mad page hits and comments, I might have to have a birthday every week!

    Thanks for all the comments everyone...It truly is a great birthday, only made better by everyone being in their birthday suits! Now, get naked and start running in place.

  17. Hey, that is so cool! I didn't realize that CNAMB is only a year old and that you and Andre started your respective blogs about a week apart from one another-- you could say that it is just a weird coincidence, but I'd like to call it fate :) Anyway, congrats Matt, keep up the good work, and here's to many more years of tastelessness!

  18. Happy Birthday, Juan! (Wait - did I just read this post wrong?)

  19. Dorian: I know, I had no clue Andre and I had such a strong link. Then again, I think I did. Thanks, and thou shalt keep the filth coming for many moons to come!

    Astro: Muchas gracias, amigo!

  20. So you're officially a year old... time to be potty trained.

  21. Does that mean you volunteer to empty the training toilet when it gets full? That's full time work!

  22. Happy belated blog-versary, The Matt House! Sorry I missed the weekend's festivities, but I'm sure Juan had a great time. ;) Not to sound cliche but here's to many, many more years of dance parties, hangovers and all the good stuff you write in between!

  23. Thanks, Geof! Your kindness will be noted when I make up my blogging last will and testament!

  24. Has it really only been a year dude? Seems like we've been enjoying some sweet as CNAMB for 5 or 10 now, keep up the good work so that we can all be making the same dick and fart jokes when computers enslave humanity and we are all old and grey!

  25. Thanks does seem like it has been way longer, and you are one of the unfortunate people that have been around since nearly the beginning!
